0797 706 2663 (Call, Text or WhatsApp)
  • Welcome to
    Braunton Chiropractic Clinic

    Dr. Nick Grimshaw was recently invited to present on Channel 4 TV, giving advice and insights into back care. The show's host on the day was TV's Nick Grimshaw!

  • Welcome to
    Braunton Chiropractic Clinic

    Chiropractic is a non-invasive, hands-on health care discipline focusing on the neuro-musculoskeletal system. We specialise in applying fast and effective pain relief techniques and discovering and treating the underlying cause.

  • Chiropractic Treatment

    Chiropractic treatment mainly involves safe, often gentle, specific spinal manipulation to free joints in the spine or other, related areas, that are not moving properly

  • Braunton Chiropractor

    We are proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive chiropractic services to meet the needs of adults, seniors and paediatric patients.

  • Kinesiology Taping

    Kinesiology taping creates a lift that unloads the underlying tissues

  • Therapeutic Exercise

    A course of exercise therapy designed to strengthen and restore the normal function of muscles, improve endurance and stamina, increase flexibility and range of movement of tight muscles and reduce pain.

  • Medical Acupuncture

    Medical acupuncture combines modern western Trigger Point theories with traditional Chinese Acupuncture.

  • Competitive Pricing

    We operate a fair pricing policy - and have the most competitive rates in the Braunton area.

Why Choose Braunton Chiropractic Clinc

We are proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive services to meet the needs of adults, seniors and paediatric patients.

• We specialise in applying fast and effective pain relief techniques and discovering and treating the underlying cause. Therefore it is important that the time is taken for you to understand the cause of your pain.
• We use the most up to date evidence based treatment techniques, following the guidelines set down by the General Chiropractic Council and the British Chiropractic Association.
• We operate a fair pricing policy - and have the most competitive rates in the area.
• We offer longer than usual treatment times - 45min to 1hour for initial consultation with treatment. 20min to 30min subsequent treatment times.

Please call, text or WhatsApp
0797 706 2663

Chiropractic Services

We offer a wide range of pain releaving and causal treatment techniques, please contact us to find out more.

Spinal Manipulation

Chiropractic treatment mainly involves safe, often gentle, specific spinal manipulation to free joints in the spine or other related areas that are not moving properly. Most often this requires a short thrust to a joint that can result in an audible 'pop' and may bring relief of symptoms; some patients report an increased feeling of well-being. The 'pop' is simply the sound of bubbles of gas popping in the fluid of the joint as the pressure is released. There is, however, no instant cure and some patients may experience temporary symptoms such as soreness around the areas being treated.

Medical Acupuncture

This technique combines modern western Trigger Point theories with traditional Chinese Acupuncture. Fine needles are inserted to stimulate acupuncture points, creating a small inflammatory reaction and stimulating the body's own pain relieving and anti-inflammatory mechanisms. Medical Acupuncture/Dry Needling works in this instance by inhibiting some of the body's responses to the problem, particularly muscle spasm and so relieving some of the pain and thus allowing the Chiropractic Adjustments to work unopposed.

Kinesiology Taping

All of your tissues — skin, connective tissue, fascia and muscles contain sensory receptors that feel pain, temperature and touch. Those receptors all contribute to proprioception (your brain's sense of where your body is and what it's doing). Kinesiology taping creates a lift that unloads the underlying tissues. Decompressing those tissues can change the signals going to the brain. When the brain receives a different signal, it's going to respond differently. Trigger points are a good example.
Physical therapists have used kinesiology tape to lift the skin over these tense, knotted muscles.
When the area is decompressed, pain receptors send a new signal to the brain and tension in the trigger point decreases.
Studies on athletes have shown that when kinesiology tape is used on fatigued muscles, performance improves.
Kinesiology tape can help re-train muscles that have lost function or that have gotten used to an unhealthy way of working.

Therapeutic Exercise

A course of exercise therapy designed to strengthen and restore the normal function of muscles, improve endurance and stamina, increase flexibility and range of movement of tight muscles and reduce pain. Balance exercises are also included to improve the reaction time of lazy muscle groups. Each patient is individually assessed and a programme is devised specific to individual needs and level of ability.

Ergonomic Rehabilitation

This therapy looks at what you do in your daily life and how you do it, and suggests a series of improvements you can make to improve your muscular skeletal health, such as sitting properly at your computer with the right equipment in the right place.

Joint Mobilization

Joint mobilization is a manual therapy intervention is a type of straight-lined, passive movement of a skeletal joint that addresses arthrokinematic joint motion (joint gliding) rather than osteokinematic joint motion. It is usually aimed at a 'target' synovial joint with the aim of achieving a therapeutic effect.

Request a consultation, or send us a message

Feel free contact us to arrange a consultation to see how we can help you.

Please call, text or WhatsApp
0797 706 2663


We operate a fair pricing policy - and have the most competitive rates in the area.

Initial consultation and 1st treatment £60, lasting approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.
All treatments £35, lasting approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

Meet Dr. Grimshaw

Dr. Nicholas Grimshaw MChiro DC
Doctor of Chiropractic

Dr. Nick set up Braunton Chiropractic Clinic in 2012. The main purpose was to establish an accessible, friendly and professional clinic serving the North Devon community. Over this time he has strived to exceed patient expectations using the best evidence based care and most up to date treatment protocols.
His diversified way of treating includes a combination of spinal manipulative therapy, soft tissue work techniques, dry needling (medical acupuncture), kinesiology taping and ergonomic/rehabilitation advice.

Nick is a family man, with wife, healthcare professional, Laura and two children. When he's not in the clinic Nick enjoys competitive running, non-competitive mountain biking and family days out.

If you have any questions about Chiropractic or whether it is something that will help you, please feel free to ring for a chat.

Get In Touch

2 Barton Lane Close, Braunton, North Devon. EX33 2AZ.
0797 706 2663

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

09:00 - 21:00


09:00 - 12:00

